TV Access Dashboard Help & Terms

Navigation — Main Page

On the left side of the page you will see report categories. Depending on what type of media your company has released you will see the following categories:

TV Sigma

Radio Sigma

Monthly TV Reports

Monthly Radio Reports

Clicking on a category will expand the heading to display a list of individual reports. After clicking on one of the individual report links you will be brought to the “Overview” section of the selected report.

Navigation and Explanation — TV Sigma

TV Sigma reports are updated each Wednesday afternoon and contain data through the previous Sunday.

After clicking on a TV Sigma report you will see the following links at the top of the page:


Sigma Summary

Sigma Report

Usage Report


On the Overview page you will see a list of quick stats at the top of the page, as well as a variety of charts and graphics. The charts and graphics are downloadable by clicking on the menu icon located in the top right corner of each image.

The Sigma Summary provides a snapshot of total airings broken out by daypart and version.

The Sigma Report provides line-by-line detail of Sigma airings that have been logged by Nielsen. The Sigma Report is downloadable by clicking on the orange “download as csv” button.

The Usage Report shows total airings and value broken out by station and version. The first date and most recent date that the station aired the media is also listed.

Navigation and Explanation — Radio Sigma

Radio Sigma reports are updated each Wednesday afternoon and contain data through the previous Sunday. For Radio Sigma reports (unlike TV) you will see each version listed as a separate report.

After clicking on a Radio Sigma report you will see the following links at the top of the page:


Sigma Summary

Sigma Report

On the Overview page you will see a variety of charts and graphics. The charts and graphics are downloadable by clicking on the menu icon located in the top right corner of each image.

The Sigma Summary section provides a snapshot of total airings broken out by daypart.

The Sigma Report section provides line-by-line detail of Sigma airings that have been logged by Nielsen. The Sigma Report is downloadable by clicking on the orange “download as csv” button.

Navigation and Explanation — Monthly TV Reports

Monthly TV reports are a combination of Sigma airings and any manually reported airings we receive from stations. These reports are updated by the 15th of each month and contain data through the final day of the previous month. For example, results through August 31st will be posted by September 15th.

After clicking on a Monthly TV Report you will be brought to a report showing line-by-line detail as well as a summary of quick stats relating to the campaign. This information is downloadable by clicking on the orange “download as csv” button.

Navigation and Explanation — Monthly Radio Reports

Monthly Radio reports are a combination of Sigma airings and any manually reported airings we receive from stations. These reports are updated by the 15th of each month and contain data through the final day of the previous month. For example, results through August 31st will be posted by September 15th.

After clicking on a Monthly Radio Report you will be brought to a report showing line-by-line detail as well as a summary of quick stats relating to the campaign. This information is downloadable by clicking on the orange “download as csv” button.

Explanation of Reporting Terminology:

“Dashboard” refers to your reporting website. All of your data and reports will be available within your dashboard.

“Sigma” refers to the data Nielsen provides regarding electronically tracked airings

“Audience” or “Impression” is the estimated number of people who viewed or heard the media. The estimate takes into account a variety of factors including time of day and designated market area. National, Cable, and Digital stations typically do not include an audience estimate and will be listed as “0”.

“P2+” is a column that you will see within the TV Sigma reports. This is the value that Nielsen uses for audience estimation. The number in the P2+ column is multiplied by 1,000 to arrive at the final audience total shown in the “Overview” section.

“SQAD” value is a dollar value estimation that factors in audience, market area, and time of day. This estimate is provided to us directly by Nielsen.

“NAB” value is a dollar value estimation from the National Association of Broadcasters. It is inferior to the SQAD estimation but is still provided so that clients who rely on it will have access to the value estimation that they prefer. For TV, NAB is calculated by multiplying total airings x $136. For Radio, NAB is calculated by multiplying total airings x $63.

“Daypart” refers to the time of day that the media was aired. Nielsen splits each day into six parts:

EM = Early Morning (5am to 9am)

DT = Day Time (9am to 4pm)

EF = Early Fringe (4pm to 8pm)

PT = Prime Time (8pm to 10pm)

LE = Late Evening (10pm to 1am)

LN = Late Night (1am to 5am)

“BRC” is the abbreviation we use business reply cards. Some TV & Radio stations are not tracked by Nielsen and in order to capture these airings we send these stations BRCs to fill out and return to us. BRC airings are not included in Sigma reports but they are included in the monthly reports.

“Version” refers to a specific version within a larger campaign. For example, many clients release 15, 30, and 60 second versions of their media. Each of these versions is tracked individually within the campaign. In the line-by-line detail of the Sigma Report you can see which version each station has aired. Within this report you will see a column labeled “version” and underneath the version code will be listed in this format: ##_X_XXXX

The first two digits refer to the length of the media, the middle letter refers to the language used in the version, and the final letters are an abbreviated name for the version.